Battling Scope Creep in Bachelor Degree Requirements with Steven Rothberg, founder and chief visionary officer of College Recruiter
Small Talk WindowSeptember 12, 2024

Battling Scope Creep in Bachelor Degree Requirements with Steven Rothberg, founder and chief visionary officer of College Recruiter

There was an article published recently in The Wall Street Journal. The content, especially the headline, "The White-Collar Hiring Rut Is Here. That’s Bad News for Young College Grads," suggests there's a massive decrease in the number of candidates being hired by Fortune 500 employers into roles that require a bachelor's degree. Steven Rothberg, guest for this episode of "Small Talk Window," sees something larger and perhaps closer to the truth at play. Founder and chief visionary officer of College Recruiter, Steven believes employers are finally eliminating degree requirements for roles that never really needed them in the first place. Think scope creep. Who really needs a college degree to go into automobile sales, for example? Host Brent Skinner happens to agree and shares a few thoughts of his own, too, for this spirited conversation.

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